This recording presents a great variety of musical genres: from authentic folk music, to traditional blues and alternative rock arrangements; from Romanian dance music to the Hungarian poem “I’m roaming about” by the poet Attila József. These days it is more and more difficult to give people a musical experience, which inspires respect and admiration for the beauty and sincerity of Hungarian folk music. We trust, however, that when someone listens to this recording, even if folk music is not part of their everyday life, they will have a musical experience that will make them listen to this kind of music with pleasure.

01. Lekaszálták már a rétet / The Flowery Field Has Been Scythed
02. Méhkeréki romános dudán / Romanian Bagpipe Music From Méhkerék
03. Catalina, Catalina / Catalina, Catalina
04. Eleki román táncmuzsika / Romanian Dance Music From Elek
05. Pálpaliné balladája / Pálpaliné’s Ballad
06. Ugyanazokat / The Same Ones
07. Dal teázáshoz / Song For Tea Time
08. De szeretnék / How I’d Love To
09. Báli muzsika / Dance House Music From Vajdaszentivány
10. Senki nem ért semmit / Nobody Understands Anything
11. Az édesen játszó prímás / The Sweetly Playing Fiddler
12. Bolyongok / I’m Roaming About

József Bartók – double bass
János Csík – fiddle, voice
Zsolt Barcza Jr. – accordion, cimbalom
Tamás Kunos – four- and three-stringed viola, drum
Marianna Majorosi – voice
Attila Szabó – fiddle, guitar, voice
Balázs Szokolai “Dongó” – saxophone, Mongolian-type singing, bagpipe, flute

Zoltán Bobár – accordion
Márta Horváth – voice
András Lovasi – voice
Áron Őze – poetry recital




Unknown said...

a shareonall egy hete meghalt.
megtennéd, hogy ismét feltöltöd a lemezt?
( pl. 250 megáig fel tudsz rakni fájlokat)

előre is köszönöm!

Bluesmen said...

A lemez újratöltve, a link kicserélve...:)))

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