Parno Graszt means "White Horse". White as the symbol of purity and Horse as the symbol of freedom.

'The issue of Parno Graszt band's second CD satisfies a long lasting expectation of the audience Europe wide as the debut recording of the Hungarian gipsy band (Hit the piano) gained reputation achieving the number 7. level on World Music Chart Europe in October 2002. The concert events of the band have always reached the highest level of success wherever they have performed on stage.

The gypsy band Parno Graszt were recently featured in a BBC 4 TV programme in the UK. The programme shows the vibrant village culture that still exists today in Paszab today, a community of gypsies in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. That this culture is still alive today is due, in no small way, to the fact that some 50 years earlier a village elder saw that external influences were eroding this way of live. Despite having no real education he set about ensuring that the subtleties of their gypsy way of life - music, dance etc, were preserved for the future.

Todays' generation now revere these traditions and keep them alive in Parno Graszt. The core members may only number 7 but this can swell up to over 20 - including ten dancers of three generations - aged from 10 to 71 years old, when the occasion demands it.
Transportation in the village is still a horse and cart. The importance of their horse being acknowledged in the name they call their gypsy band: White Horse = Parno Graszt.
When a guest visits their small village in time of wedding, christening, funeral, ball or any other kind of ceremony, they will see that the whole population joins the band - the instruments go from hand to hand and everybody is a dance master.

Maybe this spirit of living tradition makes their concerts such frenetic celebrations. They have not only performed, but have also created folklore during the recording of their current album too - some of the songs where written while staying in the studio.

01. Romano bijo - Cigány lagzi - Gipsy wedding
02. Ande rátyi - Az éjszakában - At night
03. Duj kámel mán - Két szerető - Two lovers
04. Phe kircsime ná phiro - A kocsmába... - At the pub..
05. Kerko jilo - Ne szomorítsd a szívemet - Don t make my heart sad
06. Lungo o drom - Hosszú út - Long road
07. Kánák gijom - Mikor mentem - I went
08. Khodi mánge - Nekem... - My
09. Demán zor szásztyipo - Erőt, egészséget - Strength, health
10. Sukár jákhá - Szép szemek - Beautiful eyes
11. Koro kino
12. Áj devla le de sukar - Jaj, de szép - Oh, how beautiful
13. Korkoro szom - Egyedül vagyok - I am alone
14. Khodi phe nen - Azt mondják - They say
15. Szijek cserhájá - Van egy csillag - There is a star
16. Khelen tumen - Táncoljatok - Dance!
17. Ále romnyi - Gyere asszony - Come woman
18. Phe mál - A határban - On the edge of...
19. Mure phrálá - Testvéreim - My brothers

József Oláh - tambura, guitar, voice
János Jakocska - guitar, voice
Mária Balogh - voice
Géza Balogh - guitar, voice
Sándor Horvath - voice
István Németh - can, oral bass
Mária Váradp - voice
János Oláh - double bass, voice

Kálmán Balogh - cimbalom
Ferenc Radics - violin
Zoltán Váradi - viola
Csaba Novák -double bass



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