"The story begins in the Esquilino neighborhood in Rome. An area that revolves around a square with a Roman heart and a multitude of colors: Piazza Vittorio. It is a thoroughfare and hub for various cultures and its atmosphere inspired Mario Tronco to create what many would have liked to accomplish but only he, with the help and tenacity of Agostino Ferrente, had the courage to see to the end, L’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio.

Many musicians, each one unique in origin, instrument, and musical experience. Together they form an orchestra that plays and reinvents music from all over the world with a visceral energy that audiences take away with them after each concert.

Now, the Orchestra is well-known in Italy and abroad, but in 2002, the year it was created, everything was much more difficult and finding its place in the world of music as well as financial support in order to play was a true undertaking. The only thing that has not changed is the desire to make music and have fun with those who listen to and know how to listen for great new sounds in music."

1. Sona
2. Ena fintidaah’k
3. Fela
4. Helo rama per
5. Laila
6. Balesh Tebsni
7. Ena andi
8. Sandina
9. Vagabondo Soy

Houcine Ataa – Tunisia - vocals
Peppe D’Argenzio – Italy – sax – bass clarinet
Evandro Cesar Dos Reis – Brazil – vocals - classical guitar, cavaquinho
Omar Lopez Valle – Cuba - trumpet, flugelhorn
Awalys Ernesto “El Kiri” Lopez Maturell – Cuba - drums, congas, hands, feet, background vocals
John Maida - United States - violin
Eszter Nagypál – Hungary - cello
Gaia Orsoni – Italy - viola
Carlos Paz – Ecuador - vocals, Andean flutes
Pino Pecorelli – Italy - double bass, electric bass
Raul “Cuervo” Scebba – Argentina - marimba, glockenspiel, congas, percussions, background vocals
El Hadji “Pap” Yeri Samb – Senegal - vocals, djembe, dumdum, sabar, shaker
“Kaw” Dialy Mady Sissoko – Senegal - vocals, kora, feet
Giuseppe Smaldino - Italy - French horn
Ziad Trabelsi – Tunisia - vocals, oud
Mario Tronco – Italy – Artistic Director - Fender Rhodes


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