"Sometime I'd like to have a band with double bass, cimbalom, saxophone, drum. We wouldn't play folk music, we'd play Hungarian Jazz."

Mihály Dresch, 1997. Népszabadság

One year after making the above statement, Mihály Dresch's idea materialized and he has made perhaps his best recording yet. Like Coltrane... This is Hungarian ethno-jazz!

1. Gyimesi Impressziók / Gyimes Impressions
2. Bánat, bánat... / Sorrow, Sorrow…
3. Remény / Hope
4. Rákóczi révészem... / Rákóczi My Ferryman…
5. Hungarian Be-Pop
6. Elballagok / I’ll Saunte

Mihály Dresch “Dudás” – saxophones, flutes, cimbalom, vocal
András Berecz – voice
Róbert Benkő – double bass
Tamás Geröly – drums, percussions
Ferenc Kovács - violin


pass: bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com

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