"Listening to Bea Palya’s new album, called JustOneVoice, you realize that just one voice is enough, when it’s Bea Palya’s. It’s powerful and subtle, playful and profound. Its effects are haunting and calming, uplifting and sensual. The songs have their roots in folk music, from Bea’s childhood, but she has always reached beyond the traditional, adding the passion and emotion from the music of Persia, Bulgaria, India. She plays with the melodies, and with all that the human voice can do, making cat sounds and scat sounds, with accompaniments from the real world – the sound of the ocean on a Mexican beach, the heartbeat of the bodhran, the sound of children playing or clapping and stomping. Bea bursts with energy and emotion – even when she’s talking...

Interview with Bea:

- You say the music on this album comes from within. How hard is it to express what’s within you?

- It’s easy and hard at the same time. I went back to my roots, musically, to Hungarian folk song collections of peasant women and men who sang alone, with just one voice. That’s where I got the idea to make an album with just my voice. I realized that that’s the first way I ever performed – I sang alone.

I also went back to my roots, spiritually, with songs for my mom, my dad, to express a new deeper relationship with them. I also sing with my grandfather, who was a Gypsy and a farmer and a bass player. I found an old tape of him singing that stopped in the middle, so I finished the song. Kind of like Natalie Cole with Nat King Cole.

- How have your travels influenced you recently?

- Every January I spend the whole month by the ocean, this time in Mexico. When you walk every day on the beach, you start taking a walk inside yourself, discovering yourself. I even wrote and recorded songs on the beach. What I do is from the very center of me. I have a new level of self-knowledge and self-confidence now.

- Which of the songs say the most about you?

- Well, the song From Branch to Branch used to be my ars poetica, because I felt like a bird flitting from branch to branch, singing to make brothers and sisters happy. Nowadays, I enjoy the notes and the sounds, so I sing it still. But I made a new song, The Browbeaters, that shows my feelings now. I like people to like me, but I don’t want everybody to like me. I don’t need that.

- What do you hope that people will get from your album?

- The album has sadness and anger, pleasure and laughter. The songs, half folk songs and half my own new compositions, are about love and loss, friendship and passion… But the final result is that I can laugh at myself if I need to. This helps me in life. I hope that people who listen can also hear their own stories in the songs.

Pick up JustOneVoice at a music store near you, or at Bea’s next concert..."

Adri Bruckner

01. Hallgatóim
02. Elment a madárka
03. Szép szemű szeretőm
04. Szépen veri az eső a virágot
05. Az ördög meg a vén dög
06. Lábam alá hosszú utat
07. Csillagtalan setét éjjel
08. Anyám, anyám, édesanyám
09. Az elérhetetlen férfi
10. Mindenkinek kurv'anyja
11. Macskatangó
12. Szülésdal
13. Az én piros vérem
14. Rózsa
15. Úgy elmegyek rózsám
16. Szól a kakas már
17. Megmondók
18. Tata nótája


pass: bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com

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