"This is Gypsy music. Boyash Gypsy music, which until now was only performed within this small (30k) minority of Hungarians. Originally from Transylvania, the Boyash Gypsies mainly live in 4 districts of the southwest. Their melodies are more Romanian than usual Gypsy/Hungarian music, with a sense of group fun about it. When one vocal is singing solo, do the rest of the players shut up? No, they keep on with constant, consistent asides that fill up the odd gaps or pauses, if anyone dares to let a second go without a shout, a dabadado, or a group sing-along. It’s one of the aboriginal delights of the album.
Kanizsa Csillagai (literally translated as Stars of Kanizsa). Formed in 1993 by 5 young Boyash and Wallachian Gypsies from Nagykanizsa, the leader of the group is singer/guitarist/dancer Zoltán Horváth. This is their 2. cd, and is indicative of a family recording (Zoltán’s wife and brothers are on here too) as ever I’ve heard. If only all groups were this collaborative and confident with weaving themselves together."

01. Foku drákuluj - Az ördög tüze - Devil's Fire
02. Járá jésty tu, jar á me - Megint az enyém vagy - You are mine again
03. S-o mérsz giszká - Ement a liba a jégre - The Goose have gone to the ice
04. lhuz, mámá - Hallod, anyám... - Hear, mother
05. ljoj, urtásjé... - Jaj, barátom.. - Oh, my friend
06. Náj láso mángé - Nem jó nekem... - Not good for me
07. Si tisjunyé si kárbunyé - Parázs és korom - Live coal and soot
08. Sjé szá fák - Mit csináljak? - What shall I do?
09. Tu Jésty fátá... - Te vagy az a lány - You are that girl...
10. Fá nyém mámá...- Fôzzél anyám... - Cook, Mother...
11. lj, Julá me - Jaj Juliskám - Oh, my Juliska
12. Tatá naptye ám kintát jo - Egész este - All evening
13. Szi ámen jék séjorri - Van nekunk egy kislányunk - We have a little girl

Zoltánné (Ibi) Horváth - voice, dance, csörgó
Zoltán Horváth - voice, guitar, tambura, bass, dance
Sándor Horváth - voice, tambura, dance
Attila Havasi - jug, dance
Vendel Orsós - voice


pass: bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com

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