This is something of a 'best of' compilation of Kati's work between the years 1986 and 1996, much of it taken from now deleted albums. As always accompanying Kati are some of the best musicians in Hungary. This release makes for a superb introduction to the wide variety of folk songs and styles that Kati has recorded.
"Kati Szvorak is another singer in the Marta Sebestyen class. But it is Kati’s voice that’s the best instrument here, whether singing sweetly on a tender ballad or using that hard Balkan edge….. Pretty wonderful stuff."
Kati Szvorak has long been a favorite amongst the Táncház audience in Hungary. She has won many awards for her singing and work for folk art in her native Hungary. She has given over two thousand concerts in 27 countries, and has been featured on many other projects including the internationally successful recording ‘Deep Forest’ (1995). In 1999 she appeared at the Edinburgh Festival with the Hungarian all-star group ‘Kőfaragók - The Stonemasons’ to great critical acclaim.
I. Tiszavirág = May - fly
1. Pünkösdi rózsa = Love songs from Moldavia
2. Tavaszvilág = Spring customs song from Moldavia
3. Erdőjárás = Children's game song from Trasylvania
4. Szentiván = Midsummer songs from Zobor region
II.Télizöld = Winter's green
5. Segélj el = Wedding songs from Zobor region
6. Az árgyílus kismadár = Candle dance from Csallóköz
III.Tavaszi szél = Spring wind
7. Román variáció = Rumanian version from Bihar
8. Kontyoló = Kontyoló from Mezőség (Transylvania)
9. Szépen szól egy harang = Sad song from Moldavia
10. Vízöntős = "Vízöntős variation" from Moldavia
IV.Fagyöngy = Mistletoe
11. Bagolyasszonyka = Ballad from Mezőség Transylvania
12. Jajj, Istenem = Love songs from Székely region (Transylvania)
13. Pakular = White sheperd ballad from Moldavia
14. Ahol én elmegyek = "Wherever I go" from Moldavia
15. Bujdosik az árva madár = Dance melody from Gymes (Transylvania)
V.Bűnösök vagyunk? = Are we guilty?
16. Víg juhászok = Christmas song from Palóc region
17. Gyönyörű szép leány = Maria song from Pest region
18. Siralmas ez világ = "This world is deplorable" from Moldavia
19. Óévbúcsúztató = Old year off song from Szatmár
Collaborated in the completion of the album:
Balogh Kálmán
Havasréti Pál
Juhász Zoltán
Kiss Ferenc
Kozák József
Rostás Tibor
Címkék: Folk, Hungarian, Szvorák Kati
The Szilvasi Gipsy Folk Band released their first album in 2001. The album contains mainly very lively concert recordings which not only present their unique style and impart the concert atmosphere, but also evidence the bands continuous communication with the audience.
The special elements of the performances can be found in the successful melding of the Oláh Gipsy's performance folklore and gipsy music, which can be observed in both their style and repertoire. An example of this is that their folk songs are accompanied not only by guitar, but also by violin, clarinet and double bass, the first two of which often perform virtuoso solos, in stark contrast to the customs of restaurant gipsy music. A large part of their repertoire consists of Oláh and Hungarian gipsy folk songs alongside Hungarian csárdás tunes with gipsy lyrics. The latter is especially interesting since it represents a renaissance of the csárdás, enhanced and reworked while the international importance of so-called “classical” csárdás music has waned significantly.
1. Ha megfogom az ördögöt...
Ajaj Ricsi Ricsi...
Naj la rotya naj gad...
2. Rumeláj...
3. Drakhorengi jakha
Szőlő szemek
4. Sel mure bakre szasz kethane
Száz bárányom volt együtt...
5. A cigány telepre...
6. Aj Devlale szo te kerav...
Aj Istenem, mit csináljak...
7. Ki látott már télen fecskét...
8. Kígyóballada
9. Ma som shavo haj, lovari
10. A pásztói halastó...
11. Kanna és szájbőgő improvizáció
12. Sun to szi o Del
Szent az István
13. Kothe besjom...
Ott ültem
14. Phurdel balval
Duj duj deshaduj
Szilvási István - vocals, vocal effects, spoon
Bangó Attila - vocals, guitar, vocal effects
Bangó Tibor - vocals, guitar, vocal effects, tambura
Szekeres Attila - jug (water can), derbouka, vocal effects
Bangó László - vocals, jug (water can), vocal effects
Nagy János - vocals, guitar, vocal effects
Also performing:
Setét Jenő - vocals
Lukács Csaba - clarinet
Oláh Ernő - violin
Rinkó Gábor - contrabass
Címkék: Folk, Gipsy, Hungarian, Szilvási Gipsy Folk Band