VA: Hungry for Hungary? - Folk, World Music

The "Hungry for Hungary?" series promo publication.
He did not enter commerce.

01 - Muzsikás - Dunántúli friss csárdások
02 - Sebő Ferenc - Harmatocska
03 - Zurgó - Szeretőm e táncba
04 - Kerekes Band - Csángó Boogie (edit)
05 - Napra - Pici ház
06 - Pál István Szalonna és bandája - Mulatság Orkon
07 - Romano Drom - Mulatinas
08 - Karavan Familia - Shej baxtali
09 - Nomada - Pe bari luma
10 - Kiss Ferenc - Citruserdő
11 - Band of Igriczek - Kozári
12 - Palya Bea - Eggy lovász fihoz
13 - Szalóki Ági - Mici
14 - Lovász Irén - Fellegajtó
15 - Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene - No ked
16 - Ferenczi György - Ki vagyok én
17 - Herczku Ágnes & Nikola Parov - Tavasz után
18 - Söndörgő - Salino Oro
19 - Besh o droM - Ayelet Chen
20 - Mitsoura - Devat ku (edit)
21 - Gáyan Uttejak Orchestra & László Hortobágyi - Tablacid
22 - Ektar - II. Canzone Araba
23 - Ezter - Szól a kakas



VA: Hungry for Hungary? - Ethno Jazz

01 - Pop Ivan - Himnusz eladó - Anthem salesman
02 - Viktor Tóth & Hamid Drake & Mátyás Szandai - Március - March
03 - Akosh S. - Mivel mível 3
04 - Grencsó Bio Kollektív - Régi nóta - Old song
05 - Szilárd Mezei Quintet - Az a tánc - That Dance ((live, edit)
06 - Budapest Saxophone Quartet - Tűz - Fire
07 - Magony Strings - Legényes - Manly
08 - Mihály Dresch Quartet - Hajnal- Dawn
09 - Dél-Alföldi Saxophone Ensemble - Dr. B.B
10 - Csaba Tűzkő Septet - Ördögűzés - Exorcism
11 - Beli Buba - Szerelmes dal II. Változások I. - Love Song II. Changes I.
12 - Miklós Lukács & Béla Szakcsi Lakatos - Chase Away The Devil
13 - Szabó-Major Duo - Shamata
14 - Free Style Chamber Orchestra - Kanásztánc - Swineherd-dance
15 - Zoltán Lantos' Mirrorworld - Coffee Break (edit)



From the opening stabs of Boris Kovac's saxophone you know a journey awaits. Never mind the song is called "Intro Trip"; all this Yugoslavian bandleader's excursions are voyages beyond the expected. Nuanced in the subtle insanity of Balkan jazz, his records are more like mental battles. His ability to veer from heartbreakingly gorgeous melodies, fluttering wings of brass symphonies, into breakneck accordion-driven fury is incomprehensible. One can only imagine shifting drunkenly in a tanchez (dance house) in a state somewhere between paranoia and ecstasy. Worm After History, like its predecessors, is a soundtrack to the movie of Kovac's mind. It envisions a sacred space stretching past dualistic thinking; much in Eastern European arts reaches for such climax. Whether strolling gently through "Latina" or falling intoxicated to the Wonderland-ish "Crazy Love Waltz," Kovac creates sonic images of wintertime carousels bouncing to the high-pitched wails of tango-fueled jazz (his last record was, fittingly, titled The Last Balkan Tango). Given these cerebral titles, Kovac is as much philosopher as brassist--he seeks personal spaces which make sense through incoherence. Hence the melancholic opening of "Dukeland in Your Heart." The trio of saxophone, classical guitar and accordion emit a slow, startlingly sad portrait of a decimated planet past the confines of history. To put all this into perspective: the Zen koan, what is the sound of one hand clapping? Of course there's no answer--it's an inner realization that moves us past the realm of linear thought. After you've meditated for a bit, turn on Worm After History for the closest interpretation imaginable.

01. An Intro Trip
02. Latina
03. To Entertain You
04. Limping Waltz
05. Malena (Matic)
06. Crazy Love Waltz (Matic)
07. Dukeland in Your Heart
08. Beguine Again
09. Argentina
10. Dur AA
11. Triesta

Boris Kovac - alto & soprano sax, voice
Goran Penic - accordion
Vukasin Miskovic - classical guitar
Milos Matic - double bass, tamburitza
Istvan Cik - drums, percussion

Special Guests
String Quartet Tajj (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11)
Bogdan Rankovic - bass clarinet (3, 4, 10)


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