"The songs revolve around the theme of marriage, expressing the joys and sorrows, the reflections and celebrations of a young lass at the turning point of her life."

Extract from sleeve notes:
"Think it over young lass!" sings Marianna Majorosi, for whom - unlike the majority of her modern contemporaries - it is not the spoken word but the song that seems to be the meet authentic language through which she can fully express her thoughts and dings. She sings of the destiny of women, young and old, of their experiences and sagacity in connection with pair selection and marriage, the most significant turning point in their lives. She employs precise, sublime form, citing from the masterpieces of Hungarian folk-poetry, which convey a wide range of deep emotions and rich ideas.

Choosing one of the fundamental rites of passages of human life she presents not only the customs (The Wedding) or merry aspects (The Feast) of marriage, but also the way a girl becomes acquainted with young men at large or small scale revels. She shows us that a girl might sometimes suffer disappointment, even in her fiance, and lays the importance of the marriage decision before us in The Ceremony....

While Marianna describes the joy, merriment, sorrow and grief of women's destiny, she also offers a stylish and tasteful glimpse of the rich variety of Hungarian folk wedding customs. However, it cannot simply be stated that the listener is holding only a collection of folk customs. This disc, besides giving an overall picture of Hungarian tradition, creates an atmosphere whereby we can easily put ourselves in the position of a girl when she sets out for the church or when she is swirling in the bride's dance.

The music which accompanies the girls' singing from beginning to end is not only an excellent complement to the songs, but also demonstrates some of the wealth of regional variation to be found in the folk tunes of the Hungarian minorities across the Carpathian Basin, and adds further colour to the spirit that pervades these songs.

1. Mezőség / Transylvanian Heath: Búza

2. Dunántúl / Transdanubia: Somogy

3. Menyasszonykikérő / Requesting Of The Bride
4. Menyasszonybúcsúztató / Farewell To The Bride
- Felvidék / Uplands: Ipolyvartó
5-8. Menyasszonybúcsú / The Bride's Farewell
- Felvidék / Uplands: Magyarbőd
9. Esküvő / The Ceremony - Mezőség / Transylvanian Heath: Szék

10. Mezőség / Transylvanian Heath: Magyarszovát

11. Borköszöntő / Wine Toast
12. Eger környéki boros nóták / Wine Songs From The Vicinity Of Eger
13. Nászköszöntő / Wedding Party Toast
14. Bodrogközi hejehuja és elköszönő / Merry-making
From Bodrogköz and Leave-taking



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