Complementing the Duda (Hungarian Bagpipe) playing on this CD release is some fine singing and other traditional folk music instruments.
Boosting members such as Sándor Csoóri (ex-Muzsikás, now with Ifjú Muzsikás) and György Lányi (Téka Ensemble) this bag-pipe project was always going to produce something interesting. Formed in 1989 they have learnt their folk music from the undisputed masters of the Hungarian Duda: Imre Seres (Közeptúr, Hont region ,Transylvania), János Szikora (Palást, Hont region, Transylvania), and István Pál (Tereske, Nógrád region, Transylvania). The work of these master live on in the recording by the Hungarian Bagpipe Band.
On their concerts they show the leather bagpipe and the bagpipers tunes and make the public aquainted with the traditions and legends which connected with this mistycal instrument. Their first album compilated 15’th years performances.

01. Aki dudás akar lenni
02. Táncolj kecske
03. Betyár nóta
04. Hopp Sári
05. Vörös bíró
06. Palásti dallamok
07. Megütik a dobot
08. Pál István nótái
09. Karácsonyi dallamok
10. Jankovics Imre nótái
11. Aranyalma
12. Dudásom, dudásom
13. Vékony János nótái
14. Dudahimnusz

István Adorján - bagpipe, chained staff
Botond Bese - bagpipe, voice
Sándor Csoóri Jr. - bagpipe
Balázs Istvánfi - bagpipe, koboz
Zoltán Karakas - kanásztülök, voice
József Kozák - bagpipe, flute, drum, bass bagpipe
György Lányi - bagpipe, voice, drum, bzugony
Dongó Szokolay - bagpipe
Végh Andor - bagpipe, turkish whistle
Károly Vladár - bagpipe, voice
Szilvia Bognár - voice
Boglárka Csonka - voice
Orsolya Strack - voice




Victoria said...

Wow. This is beyond gorgeous. Thank you so much for posting it!

Unknown said...

Thank you! This music is so strong, it look like mountain river.

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