Both performers were born in Voevodina (part of Northern Serbia with large Hungarian population). Tünde has participated in numerous folk bands, including the band of Felix Lajko. Geza was the founder of the dance-house movement in Voevodina. He was prominent member of such important Hungarian folk bands as Vizöntő. This CD contains Moldavian chango songs accompanied mainly on koboz (folk lute). The musicians' aim is to save a very sincery world as it's renewal. Their songs and lute-music speak of a passing world, depicting the Eden of Moldva in virtuosity of ornaments, but simultaneously giving a confession about their own inner selves.
01. Tavaszi szél - Spring Breeze
02. Erdo, erdo - Forest, Forest
03. Madár (Muntenia) - Bird (Muntenia)
04. Tavasz - Spring
05. Menyecske, menyecske - Bride, Bride
06. Ének Szent Lászlóhoz - A Song To St. Ladislas
07. Hol vagy István király? - Where Are You King Stephan?
08. A pünkösdi rózsa - The Peony
09. Túl a vízen - Beyond The Water
10. Szőr szökött a szemembe - A Hair Fell Into My Eye
11. Gyöngyös György unokája - The Grandson Of Gyöngyös György
12. A zsivány felesége - The Outlaw's Wife
13. Katonás - Soldiers's Song
14. Hegyen s földön - On Mountain And Ground
Tünde Ivánovics - voice
Géza Fábri – koboz
Members of Zurgó:
Lídia Draskóczy - violin
Bercel Nagy - flute
László Demeter - koboz
Andrea Navratil – voice
Balázs Szokolay Dongó - kaval, Jew’s harph, flute, bagpipe
Dániel Lipták - violin
Címkék: Folk, Hungarian, Ivánovics Tünde - Fábri Géza, World
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