The fourth release by Hungarian-Serbian group Earth Wheel Sky Band, titled Gypsy Tango, finds the band a step further on their music ladder. The band’s first two releases saw the band working both with contemporary and traditional arrangements, while keeping the integrity of music from the region they come from whereas the third one “ 21st Century”, was a collection
of side works and collaborative projects that band leader Oláh Vince undertook with the band or without.
Gypsy Tango finds the band merging gypsy music both from the north of Serbia, which is more under the influence of Hungarian folk music and brass instruments and uneven rhythms from the south. EWS-band draws with ease from a myriad of other forms such as flamenco, reggae, soul and each song draws you to its heart, and keeps you there. This is not the first time that the
band does amalgamation of different traditions as on the previous records it was done with brilliant results on tracks such as “Chochec” (from Rroma Art) and Only a Man (from Waltz Rromano). The band’s playing is the first thing that will strike you as you start to listen to it. The EWS-band plays this music with exuberance and each musician plays with a buoyant, infectious energy. Especially arrangement wise it flows easily and is well balanced. The music ranges from soulful ballads such as the achingly beautiful “Gospel” or the dreamy “Free7/8” to folkish up tempo tracks such as “Crayngtime” and “Scheherezeda”.
The album opens with gypsy Tango and is soon followed by Rumba Janika, an upbeat track with a killer violin, swinging trumpet and wonderful rhythms. Other highlights include “ApsolutRromantic” and “Tikno Luludi”.
"The approach the band took on this record could perhaps be characterized as ethnic jazz but with roots and fronds of the tradition that make them irresistible. This is indispensable stuff from giants of gypsy music, and highly recommended."
Nenad Georgijevski
Earth - Wheel - Sky is one of the first projects of the Roma musicians in Vojvodina. The band was founded in 1981. Having in mind the experience of jazz, rock and Roma folk music, the leader of the group Vince Olah wanted to give his contribution to the music of the Roma people, as one of the strong points in the fight for Roma emancipation.
01. Gipsy Tango
02. Rumba Janika
03. AmorromA
04. Scheherezeda
05. Gospel
06. Ushti Rroma
07. Free7/8
08. ApsolutRromantic
09. Crayngtime
10. Argenta
11. Tikno Luludi
12. Ending/Sonayta for b sempre
Vince Oláh – vocal, guitar, violin, guitar-sint
Tol Djula – violin
Ervim Malina – bass
Sándor Rothele – cimbalom
Toplica Ramiz – percussion
Radul Milovan – trumphet
Acifivic Sinan – clarinet, sax
Special guest:
Gabriella Farkas – vocal
Tibor Burai - piano
Címkék: Earth Wheel Sky Band, Gipsy, Hungarian, Serbia, World
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