The goal of the Vodku v glotku band is to play songs from and around Odessa and Central and Eastern Europe to everybody's liking, including the public with the highest demand. This music is a mix of various genres in addition to the dominance of Jewish motives and traditional Russian vocal polyphony, it features the elements of swing, dixieland, Balkan and Hungarian folk music, and it is meant to be authentic on both pub and folk stages.

01. A 7:40-es vonat
02. Jósolj nekem, cigánylány
03. Régi jiddis tánc
04. Börtönnóta
05. Madam
06. Hóra
07. Megismerem a kedvesemet
08. Vodocska
09. Balkáni szvit
10. Meggyfa
11. A meggy megérett
12. Oseh shalom
13. Warshaver (Tatooiner) freilach
14. Ah, Odessza!



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